Sorting through comment spam is burdensome

In order to keep this site spam free I approve every com­ment by hand. This means that com­ments will not imme­di­ate­ly appear after posting.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, com­ments tend to appear in bursts. There can be long stretch­es of no activ­i­ty (where I get noth­ing but spam), dur­ing which I will get lazy and will tend to check less and less often, only to be sur­prised when there are mul­ti­ple legit com­ments wait­ing (usu­al­ly after a link has been post­ed to social media).

So if you think your post got stuck just try again.

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Please answer the following anti-spam test

Which thing makes "tick-tock" and if it falls down, the clock is broken?

  1.    ruler
  2.    pencil
  3.    chair
  4.    watch
  5.    table