Slides of my FMX 2013 presentation on Physically Based Shading

Edit 2019: I have con­vert­ed the orig­i­nal slides to PDF for­mat and also made minor cor­rec­tions. See this post for details. The down­load is at the end of this page.

I was kind­ly invit­ed by Wolf­gang from Con­fet­ti FX to speak at the FMX 2013 con­fer­ence about phys­i­cal­ly based shad­ing (with­in the scope of the Real Time Ren­der­ing day). Since I remem­bered the FMX as a con­fer­ence for visu­al arts, I made the pre­sen­ta­tion inten­tion­al­ly non-tech­ni­cal, for fear of alien­at­ing the lis­ten­ers. In ret­ro­spect, my guess was a bit too con­ser­v­a­tive, as there were quite a num­ber of pro­gram­mers in the audience.

Screen Shot 2013-04-24 at 14.53.58

Nev­er­the­less, here are the slides for down­load (with all notes includ­ed). The Keynote for­mat is the orig­i­nal and the Pow­er­point for­mat was export­ed from that and is a lit­tle bro­ken, so you should use the Keynote ver­sion if you can read it.

Down­load “FMX 2013 Slides PDF with Notes” fmx-11-revised.pdf – 12493-mal herun­terge­laden – 15,25 MB

13 Gedanken zu „Slides of my FMX 2013 presentation on Physically Based Shading

  1. Hi Chris­t­ian,

    Thank you for shar­ing these slides, best artists-ori­ent­ed slides I have seen on the sub­ject! Def­i­nite­ly use­ful for train­ing artists with­out tech­ni­cal background.

  2. Hel­lo Christian,

    I real­ly love the idea of phys­i­cal­ly based shad­ing in a real time engine!
    I just would love to know, how to acti­vate this mod­el in an engine? More spe­cif­ic, how do i enable this type of mate­ri­als in the cryengine and in the unre­al engine?

    thank you in advance!

    • Hi Flo­ri­an,
      the slides con­tain links to the online doc­u­men­ta­tion of either CryEngine and Unre­al where this is described. In CryEngine, accord­ing to their docs, it is acti­vat­ed when the spec­u­lar tex­ture con­tains an alpha chan­nel. In Unre­al it is avail­able togeth­er with ‘image based reflec­tions’ and has to be enabled with a spe­cial check box next to it.

    • Hi Mar­ius I tried PDF, but it seems that Keynote gen­er­ates PDFs that con­tain each slide as a large image. It is more than 50 MB so I did­nt put it online.

  3. Hel­lo Christian,

    Thank you so much for shar­ing this!

    I thor­ough­ly enjoyed your pre­sen­ta­tion at FMX and wish you had even more time to deliv­er it as I was so cap­ti­vat­ed, so I’m incred­i­bly hap­py to find it here! 

    Also, as a fresh faced VFX stu­dent who is con­sid­er­ing spe­cial­is­ing in the lighting/shading/texturing area in future, I thank you for hold­ing back on the tech­ni­cal speak; I learned a heck of a lot from your pre­sen­ta­tion because it was so visu­al and easy to fol­low, and I was pleased to find that I retained the infor­ma­tion which helped me under­stand a lot of the oth­er pre­sen­ta­tions I attend­ed at FMX.

    I found your pre­sen­ta­tion to be one of my per­son­al high­lights of the con­fer­ence, so thank you and I hope you come back anoth­er year to enlight­en me more!

  4. Pingback: Readings on Physically Based Rendering | Interplay of Light

  5. Pingback: Elite Dangerous: Impressions of Deep Space Rendering | The Tenth Planet

  6. Pingback: Update of my 2013 FMX Slides on Physically Based Shading in PDF format | The Tenth Planet

  7. Pingback: Caveat: Even NASA pictures may not be linear (or the wrong kind of linear) | The Tenth Planet

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