FlipCode is back

Kurt has tak­en steps to revive Flip­Code.

Flip­code was a place to dis­cuss gamedev + algo­rithms with a unique flair and an out­stand­ing audi­ence, some­thing IMHO gamedev.net nev­er matched. I, too, was a reg­u­lar vis­i­tor, poster, and also con­tributed the odd arti­cle and an IOTD. Ter­rain engines bor­der­ing on 100k polys with­out HW T&L will be for­ev­er in the past, but the spir­it will live on.

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Please answer the following anti-spam test

Which thing makes "tick-tock" and if it falls down, the clock is broken?

  1.    pencil
  2.    table
  3.    ruler
  4.    watch
  5.    chair