Correct sRGB Dithering

This is a brain-dump inspired by a thread on twit­ter about cor­rect™ dither in sRGB, mean­ing, to choose the dither pat­tern in such a way as to pre­serve the phys­i­cal bright­ness of the orig­i­nal pix­els. This is in prin­ci­ple a solved prob­lem, but the dev­il is in the details that are eas­i­ly over­looked, espe­cial­ly when dither­ing to only a few quan­ti­za­tion levels.

So, this top­ic came up on twitter:

I had pre­vi­ous­ly spent some time to wrap my head around this exact prob­lem, so I shot from the hip with some pseu­do code that I used in Space Glid­er on Shader­toy. Code post­ings on twit­ter are nev­er a good idea, so here is a cleaned up ver­sion wrapped up in a prop­er function:
