
Hal­lo, my name is Chris­t­ian Schüler1. I am a com­put­er pro­gram­mer spe­cial­iz­ing in 3‑D graph­ics, algo­rithms and game engines. I have worked as tech­ni­cal lead and con­sul­tant in this field. Recent­ly, I have also been involved in seri­ous games and sim­u­la­tion. I pub­lish tech­ni­cal arti­cles and occa­sion­al­ly speak at con­fer­ences. This is my per­son­al blog.

My twit­ter han­dle: aries_code
My shader­toy han­dle: schol­ar­ius

There is a page with my pub­li­ca­tions so far. The mot­to of this blog refers to the hypo­thet­i­cal trans-nep­tun­ian object. See also this arti­cle.

1The last name lit­er­al­ly means ‘pupil’, or ’stu­dent’.